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Multiple iTunes libraries on a NAS

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I am about to get a NAS as a central place for TimeMachine backups of the family's several Macs, some movies and music. We all have our music sorted in our iTunes libraries until now separately situated on each Mac.

If we move all our music onto the NAS, in theory we could all get access to every family members music, we could even merge our individual libraries into one. Because I know how much work I put into organizing my library to keep it manageable I'd still prefer to keep the libraries separated and to not mix them up. Nevertheless it would be nice if my kids could get access to my library and vice versa. Is it possible to have multiple iTunes libraries on a NAS and use them from multiple Macs? Even at the same time? Is there an easier way to switch the library other than restarting iTunes with pushing the option key?


Best regards


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You can store a number of different libraries, but you can't store a shared library. (At least not the way you want it to work.) You might find it useful to listen to this episode of The Next Track podcast:


♫ Episode #39 – Storing Media on a Network-Attached Storage Device

I write about Macs, music, and more at Kirkville.

Author of Take Control of macOS Media Apps

Co-host of The Next Track podcast.

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