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How DOES the grounding boxes work?

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2 hours ago, Cornan said:

I am a personal believer in that scientist is just a person with an extremely curious mind.


Above all keep it civil and without any personal attacks or stupid comments please! ?


your OP made personal attacks if not a stupid comment

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30 minutes ago, Cornan said:





wgscott normally gets paid to teach college students.  You'll need to find a high school teacher to start with high school level physics. 


You keep saying teach me, but you have to be willing to do your part as a student. 


I haven't gone thru these lessons here.  They claim to be equivalent to two terms of college level physics.  If you would like to learn for yourself give it a try, and it you find yourself lost, then maybe back up a step to something more basic.





And always keep in mind: Cognitive biases, like seeing optical illusions are a sign of a normally functioning brain. We all have them, it’s nothing to be ashamed about, but it is something that affects our objective evaluation of reality. 

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1 hour ago, Cornan said:

 So, anyone got an idea why grounding boxes might work? 

 Tin ears and gullibility for what ever comes along the pike?


My other attempt at a reasonable answer seemed to not work. You let me know what answer you would like and I will respond with that one.

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1 hour ago, Cornan said:


I'm the OP. Do I have to explain the difference between personal attacks and stupid comments?


OP also mean original post


you (perhaps inadvertently) dissed scientists - but I figure you don't really know what science is anyway, so don't worry


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