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  1. agentsim


    I've had a couple of reports of this behaviour. I'm off to get an Airport Express today so I can take a proper look at this. BTW, 1.0.4 should be on its way soon.
  2. agentsim


    The support being may have multiple names
  3. agentsim


    No need to be wary, [email protected] has been going to [email protected] for some time now.
  4. agentsim


    Hi Paul, There was no specific feature for this, it "just worked", probably as a side-effect of the way BitPerfect handles playback. In what way has it stopped working in the latest version?
  5. agentsim


    If BitPerfect stopped running when that happened, you would almost certainly get a noticeable glitch and the icon would not come back again when you exited full screen mode.
  6. agentsim


    There are a couple of ways of restoring it. Either convincing Core Audio to do it for you via a kind of backdoor (not ideal) or ditching Core Audio entirely. BitPerfect is taking the latter approach.
  7. agentsim


    It will be with Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion.
  8. agentsim


    Absolutely, it is in beta testing right now.
  9. agentsim


    @Fritsveer: Each version gets further tweaks as well as bug fixes, so it is quite possible you're hearing subtle improvements.
  10. agentsim


    Yes, it is still bit perfect. You can think of it like writing the number '10' as '10.00', same value, but the second way takes more space.
  11. agentsim


    The W4S DAC2 only supports 32-bit streams, so it is normal that you would see 32/44.1.
  12. agentsim


    BitPerfect 1.0.3 has been released to the App Store. This version includes new features for volume adjustment and managing of the iTunes comments. Add volume adjustment iTunes comment (see Manual for details). Respect iTunes track start/stop times. Allow device volume adjustments when not playing. Add option to globally apply'fixedindexing' comment. Add option to globally apply 'invertpolarity' comment. Disable playback of CDs in BitPerfect. Fix clicking noises during Integer Mode playback for certain DACs.
  13. agentsim


    A minor update (1.0.3) with some bug fixes and a couple of simple features will be coming soon (probably next week, depending on Apple). The major new version with Integer Mode for Lion and Mountain Lion is still underway, but I don't have a firm date for that yet.
  14. agentsim


    Send me the output of Device Info by e-mail and I'll take a look.
  15. agentsim


    When you use a DAC connected to the Mac via Toslink, the only choice is "Built-in Output". The output will still be going to the DAC.
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