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  1. Superior filters would already be inside a laptop supply. Surge protectors ignore any voltage typically less than 330 volts (see its box for your number). Noise would be tens of volts or less. Clearly a surge protector would ignore (do nothing for) this anomaly. So why is noise getting through best filters already inside a laptop supply? What other wires are incoming to that laptop? Are USB devices power externally? Does the laptop have a network cable? Start by listing all possible noise paths. Obtain a cheater adaptor. It permits three prong appliances to connect to two prong receptacles. Use this to temporarily disconnect the safety ground wire. To learn if noise changes or is eliminated. This is not a solution. This is only step one: identify the problem. Solutions come later. Safety ground wire completely bypassess filters in the laptop supply, filters in that Amazon.com solution, and filters in the Surgex, Brickwall, and Zerosurge products. Before spending money on a solution, first determine the incoming and the outgoing path of that noise current. A temporary disconnect of that safety ground might identify one of those two paths. Solution occurs after identifying the incoming and outgoing noise paths. Therefore even incoming wire to the audio system must be listed. Example, AC has a black wire, a white wire, and a green wire. Every wire must be defined to identify potential reasons for that noise.
  2. You are thinking in terms of a wave on the ocean. Build a wall to stop the wave. Instead, think in terms of the current. The buzz means the same current is everywhere in a path. The star ground is one way to eliminate that path. If each component connects to the same ground, then a ground wire goes to each component. And there is no other place for that same exact current to leave. Remember, this is electricity. You must define both the incoming and outgoing path for that buzz before you can even understand the problem. Buzz is incoming on device A. I break the wire to device C. Buzz goes away. That proves device C is the buzz? No. That only proves the buzz created by A found a complete path back to A via device B and C. Think in terms of where current flows in a complete circuit. Also why a star ground eliminates a ground loop.
  3. If the dimmer is generating noise, then bin the dimmer. Routine is to have dimmer switches that do not create noise; that are properly designed. Solution is at the source.
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