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  1. Micro sd card v2.8 has finally arrived thank you very much
  2. January 30, 2020 3:09 pm Arrived at USPS Regional Facility, JAMAICA NY INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER Andrew then sent it again I've been waiting Processed Through Regional Facility. Your item was processed through our JAMAICA NY INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER facility on March 31, 2020 at 10:13 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination., JAMAICA NY INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CENTER
  3. unfortunately my sd card was stuck in jamaica I regret it very much my money's wasted. let them upload the software to the internet and send us a password so we can download and install sdkart
  4. Windows, mac OS , linux and all other software and applications are updated over the internet No one uses the method of writing the software or firmware on the sd micro card and sending it to the user.
  5. I agree exactly i haven't got my sd card yet Other alternatives should be considered in this technological and digital age I would expect a much more new and user-friendly solution from sonore I think it can be via internet or e-mail download I'm very regretful
  6. I ordered my SD card on January 28 I paid for the order, but it's been 40 days today, unfortunately it hasn't arrived yet
  7. I ordered in istanbul on January 27, 2020 but the Mail has not yet arrived And hopefully it doesn't broken
  8. satbaba

    HQ Player

    Is it useful to use Fidelizer or AudiophileOptimizer when playing Microrendu + NAA + Hqplayer3
  9. Is there improvement in sound quality when you switch to Direct mode?
  10. Jplayfemto and upplay(for control) on same pc
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