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  1. Thanks for asking about the modules. Do any of the Finistar or Cisco modules people rave about work in the Lumin U2?
  2. I’m talking about other people. So many folks I talk to think a NAS or RAID is functionally a backup. The word needs to be spread better so others stop making this mistake.
  3. Yet another instance where people need to realize that RAID is NOT a backup!!!!!
  4. Interesting, I’d like to know the results if anyone does this. I’m fine with how my ProISL/USB solution performs now, however.
  5. thanks can you provide a reference for the other transceiver being better for audio?
  6. I’ve never owned any Linn but the times I have demo’ed them, they’ve been fantastic. Happy to see them introducing this line. Looks very exciting!
  7. I loved my MA1 when I had it. What about the newly announced MA3? - looks like a winner to me!
  8. I think you’ll get the most change in the direction you’re looking for by changing your DAC. The Mojo is an impressive device - I had one. The Hugo2 is better if you still want portable. If you want a warmer or less “irritating(?)” sound you might want to move away from Chord, however. They’re very clear and precise but I can’t listen for too long through my Utopias and Hugo2 even on the softest filter.
  9. Very interesting product - I haven’t seen something quite like this before. Thanks for sharing!
  10. My point is that this is solving a problem I simply don’t have. I don’t know anyone else that has a problem that is solved by a $25k 8-input analog preamp. I need a high quality volume control and I have 2 sources. One that is digital and itself has a variety of digital inputs, and my ARC phono pre has 2 inputs. I simply don’t see the value in paying $25k for a volume control and 6-7 extra inputs plus taking up unnecessary rack space when the dollars can be used more wisely somewhere else. The innovation and market catch-up I refer to and suggest to Ayre in my original post is in digital and other green/white space you currently aren’t covering or aren’t covering as well as competitors. For example, where are the highest-end digital Ayre “R” components? Why not use the great volume control and other tech in a newer flagship component that addresses problems people have *now* in the streaming age? You said yourself the KX-R Twenty hasn’t been updated since 2014. Everyone is staying at home right now and the stock market is up, the time is right for a new, innovative product drop in the *highest-end* Ayre range.
  11. I love Ayre and I particularly enjoy my VX-R/Twenty amp, however for less cost, I decided to pass on the KX-R/Twenty Preamp in favor of upgrading my MSB Premier DAC to an MSB Reference DAC with the optional preamp constant impedance passive volume control. It also includes analog inputs so completely negates the need for an external preamp as my only other source is a turntable. Hoping that Ayre releases some newer and innovative high end components that compete with this or surprise us in other ways. A great volume control is *necessary* but the KX-R/Twenty is 6-7 years old or more and Ayre’s needs to innovate to catch up or even remain competitive in the market.
  12. If you’re thinking of dropping money on a new DAC and want electrical isolation, check out an MSB DAC using their ProUSB interface. https://www.msbtechnology.com/accessories/prousb/
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