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    Sophomore Member
  1. Kinda cool how unlistenable means different things to different folk...
  2. If a fuse blew, there's probably something pretty serious wrong somewhere ...
  3. This is configurable using the dip switches on the back of the QB9. But I seem to remember someone reporting a glitch with a specific version (maybe the new DSD). Sorry I don't remember the specifics...
  4. Of course they want to sell in Ireland and everywhere else! And they make this abundantly clear...
  5. gcorley

    Pure Music 2

    Probably worth contacting Rob. I've found the best and worst of PM is its complexity/adaptability. (and sound quality, reliability, interface, etc...) Recently got snagged by gapless play 'til I went back and read the manual again ...
  6. gcorley

    Pure Music 2

    I was an early adopter of PM and have used it ever since (including some fantastic costumer support along the way) and was more than happy to pay the modest upgrade fee ...
  7. Not sure actually, other than it cannot be copied. The purchase date would help some. The solution is to copy it to a CDR and then re-rip (if I remember correctly).
  8. When was the album purchased? (Could it be from the DRM era?) Does it have any strange or foreign characters anywhere in it?
  9. It's not English, but I could have sworn Manu Chao's "Me Gustas Tu" was saying "me gusta uma lasagna" rather than "me gusta malazana" ...
  10. Any chance it has nothing at all to do with HDTracks? https://www.google.com.br/search?q=aiff+Linn+DS+network+player+Asset+UPNP&oq=aiff+Linn+DS+network+player+Asset+UPNP&aqs=chrome..69i57.17053j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8
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