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  1. Interresting There existe also certification for USA but I don't thing there course and official certificate in Canada (I come from Canada)
  2. This recording don't come from an official tribunal, but from an administrative one. There is evidences of tampering in. But these evidences can be contested on the custody chain to retrieve the copy. I find two experts to give me an opinion.
  3. I think every official recording most have a electronic tattoo (beat) to avoid tampering. Technology allow that possibility
  4. I asked for the MD5 electronic signature from the tribunal of the original audio file but they refused. This could be a way to compare the MP3 I received and it original.
  5. I contacted some experts But there prices turn arround 3000$-12000$us
  6. Thank you, ... I can add more information or files if needed
  7. Hi, I'm analyzing an audio mp3 file for tampering evidences. I need help to find evidence. We known than the file has been tampering. This file show some anomalies. This file is a court room recording. Silence segments from this file are different than other files recorded the same day at the same room (more quiet like if only one person was alone in the room when it suppose to be 4 persons) I analyse the sound and waveform and I find a bio-metric anomaly (the person how talk do not take a breath like she did usually after her speech at the beginning of the tamperized segment ) We heard a unusual beginning of word from her going rapidly down at the beginning of the tampering. I'm computer scientist (master degree) but not specialized in audio files investigations. I read a lot about technical analysis but I need some opinions and cues. I would appreciate to find a way to search for repeated segments in audio file (like identical sample). The only way I find is to convert the file in WAV format to uncompressed it and search for HEX words. Do you know a free software to do that ? (Like copy this segment and search for it in this MP3 file). Could someone can help me to investigate this file. I could show some images of the wave form, wave DB, Spectogram and Frequency Plot Analysis. Any technical information are welcome. Images : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3lgUEjpniRsbC1WbmdZNkpjanc?usp=sharing I used two different software Audacity and WavePad. The work as been done by a specialist, the basic mistakes has been avoid. P.S; Excuse my English, I'm french. Best Regard NR
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