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  1. I understand, you long for the R-ladder DAC with noble sound, however. . . (Fill in by yourself) Again, when you have the ability to design R-ladder DAC, you can doubt other people’s design. Otherwise, you will expose your own flaws. Come on! Try it harder!
  2. Yes, All mouth and no trousers. Just wait for you to design an R ladder DAC. Come on! Try it harder!
  3. 不要繼續浪費我們的時間了。 當你在購買品牌機器時,你會質疑所謂的安全? 你真的懂什麼是安全?用戶買回去之後機器馬上就燒毀了,我還有辦法賣嗎?曾經有人試圖抄襲這個電路,結果他自己胡亂調電感、電壓,馬上就燒起來了,意思是即使是音響工程師,也無法理解的。真的都講給你聽,你還是無法理解的。 原來你也只是一知半解而已,我對你產生誤解了,所以不會再回應你了。
  4. 網站規則中並未限制英語以外的其他語言,更何況真想大概看懂我寫的中文,可以自行用翻譯軟體
  5. Finally asked an insider's question. I told you that a real insider probably knows a lot of things by looking at the photos, and there is no need to ask a lot of things. Regarding your question, the answer is certainly better than Murata or sigma22, otherwise why should I design it myself. However, it is a pity that the details of this part are commercial secrets and cannot be disclosed. Now, you should know that my product is not comparable to DSC1, right?
  6. 奇怪了,你的邏輯很奇怪,你自己又沒搞懂DSC1 or DSC2之前,怎麼會建議大家去買DSC1 or DSC2? 其次, DSC1 or DSC2當然便宜,因為他大量採用smd,而且我保證你花同樣的錢不如去買同樣價位的晶片DAC,例如Iancanada的,因為同樣都是DSD DAC,DSC1 or DSC2的架構缺點很多。我的產品則是歷經多年研發,而獲得的最佳架構。至於架構細節,當然是商業機密,不會公開的。 另外,我就只想跟你這個中國人交流,幹嘛故意還幫我翻譯?吃飽太閒?
  7. 所以我只會在你答對時給獎勵啊! try it harder!
  8. Try it harder! You can post what you understand in Signalyst DSC1 first and I will give you some rewards.
  9. As described above, if you Really want to know more about DSD DAC, please browse the discussion thread about DCS1 by yourself. https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digital-line-level/254935-signalyst-dsc1.html
  10. If you can't see the huge difference in quality between SMD and plug-in components, there is really no way to discuss it. I am not an electronics teacher.
  11. 非也,看不起我的產品的原因,純粹只是因為自己的無知,又加上我不是在場地佈置精美的地方展示,也不是在音響雜誌上刊登。 這就是為什麼許多其實是垃圾的產品,即使賣的很昂貴,一堆人還是買單,而只有少數行家懂得在網路上購買到優質且極為廉價的產品。因此,我在網路上放這些資訊,本來只打算吸引識貨的人。不過,看起來識貨的人幾乎是不存在的
  12. 你的論點就說明了你根本看不懂以上關於DSD DAC架構的說明,因此對你來說,解釋更多你只會產生更多困惑。如果你真想了解DSD DAC就自己把底下的討論串看完,但我不相信你有辦法看的懂,因為我以上的描述已經算是最基礎的論述。 Signalyst DSC1 is one of the DSD DACs, but this product is slightly different from DSC1. Those who ask for more details can go to the DSC1 discussion thread to see the details. However, I promise you will be more confused, because I have simplified and then simplified the discussion, but you still don’t understand. https://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digital-line-level/254935-signalyst-dsc1.html
  13. 我已經回答了,但我得到了更多莫名其妙的回應。 我還需要回答什麼? 比如我說你是個瘋子,你示範一次:Refute nonsense claims with evidence and reasoning
  14. What else do you need to know? Simply , DSD DAC is better than R-2R DAC in architecture, and this product uses a large number of high-quality components to provide excellent sound. The R-2R DAC using SMD is incomparable. In terms of sound, this product clearly surpasses several other branded DACs priced at $10,000. In other words, if you look down on this product, it is your loss, not me. I didn't rely on selling machines to make a living, it was pure for fun, and the products were only sold to people who were predestined.
  15. 不然你覺得應該要用什麼態度面對胡亂評論的說詞?
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