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Derek Hughes

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  1. Hardly any of the comments from the audience were caught on the mic. As an example, Lee Scoggins talked about DRM quite a bit, none of it comes thru on the video. I hear you on the white cane and as Chris said let's move on on that.
  2. OK, I hear you Alan. I was honestly trying to help, clearly I failed and have certainly paid for it here. I have the same opinions as you on MQA on Tidal so I guess there are a few out there. My background is primarily in IT although I retired in 2001 so mainly in mainframe and enterprise systems. I worked at Intel for over 20 years and anyone who worked there under Andy Grove will tell you that there were many heated meetings and seminars. There was a term used there called Constructive Confrontation, in fact, I taught the class. The main idea is to confront the problem or issue and not the person. That's what I was trying to do, confront the issue that Chris appeared, in MY OPINION to be biased in his presentation. The fact that I got frustrated is my problem although I do stand by my comments if not in the way they were delivered. Clearly folks here believe I was attacking Chris. I wasn't, I like and respect the guy, he has built an incredibly successful business and brand.
  3. I did the same. In fact I've been in touch with both. Kii have a dealer in the Bay area so I'll make an appointment with them. Closest for Dutch would be LA, I may make a trip there. I would like to hear both of them before I commit to Eikon, obviously a big difference in price, it would certainly pay for a plane trip.
  4. OK, I'll buy that but the comment clearly upset me.
  5. Were you there? Chris did not state that he wanted to leave questions to the end. I worked at Intel for over 20 years, if you think that was rude you have no idea. Are you still calling me a liar?
  6. I wasn't defending MQA, I was pointing out that Chris's presentation was biased. I spoke to one of the MQA reps in the bar after the presentation. I pointed out to him that I thought that they had gone in to the marketplace with too much hoopla and set themself for a very high bar. In my opinion they should have gone in much softer and gotten some feedback.
  7. So you are calling me a liar. I suggest that you ask Chris, he knows me, you don't.
  8. Go to minute 33 and watch it again, the white cane is clearly visible. I've been in touch with Chris privately and I'll discuss his presentation with him privately if he wants to. As I said above, unless you were in the room you got about 10% of the audience participation. Derek
  9. To all I've watched the video and all I can say is that unless you were there you got about 10% of the audience participation, ask Lee Scoggins and Rajiv. That's the fault of all of us, the moderator, me, the audience and the camera and mic folks. Chris did his best in a very difficult situation and yes, with some hostile feedback from the audience including me (yes, I am the Brit in the blue T shirt) . For those of you mocking me, go ahead, for those of you mocking Edwin, the guy sitting next to me, you disgust me. It is obvious that he is blind, his white cane is in full view. By the way Brinkmanship I've added your clip to my profile, the grandkids love it. At the end of the day the seminar was about the pros and cons of MQA, that's what Chris tried to present. In MY OPINION, that was not what his presentation was, it was biased against MQA, that is why he got the reaction that he did. Again in MY OPINION, he stated that it would be unbiased and it wasn't. I am in touch with Chris privately and I think we are good. As to my position on MQA. I listen to MQA tracks on Tidal and Red Book tracks on Tidal. I enjoy both and I love Tidal as a vehicle for me to listen to music I know and, to discover new music. Let me give you an example, I wandered around RMAF with Shazam in hand. I got home and built a Tidal playlist of the Shazam tracks, it's great to listen to. Once Qobuz becomes available I'll sign up for it and then decide if I stay with one or go with both. I can not defend or support MQA technically, I don't have the necessary skills. At least one of you, maybe more, have said that they hope Tidal fails because of their support for MQA, I don't. Tidal and MQA will survive or fail based on customer demand and their finances. I have really enjoyed my time reading CA, I post very little but I have gotten a lot from it. I really enjoyed the bar time with Chris and other CA members at both Axpona and RMAF. Most of you are a good bunch and Chris has built a great brand and and is enjoying the success of his labors. I'm sure that it will continue.
  10. Yep, spent quite a bit of time at both Axpona and RMAF with Gayle and I really like the whole system concept and sound. I had a friend with me, he's blind but has excellent hearing so I used him as a sounding board, excuse the pun. On Friday he wasn't impressed and heard many systems which he preferred. However, on Saturday he changed his mind. We asked the guy from Aurender if they had changed anything. He said that they had changed the input from their server from USB to spfdif. He also said that he could hear a big difference. Gayle told me that they should be in production pretty soon and he's in the process of lining up a dealer network. As soon as that's in place I'll probably get one.
  11. Great to meet you Rajiv, really enjoyed our session in the bar, thanks to Chris for picking up the tab. One of my thoughts was that it was good to see and hear the number of active speaker systems and the use of DSP and room correction software. I particularly enjoyed the Elac, Dali and Eikon rooms.
  12. Several of you have made comments about me from watching the video, that's OK. What is not OK is the comment about "the guy sleeping" next to me. Edwin is blind.
  13. Brinkman Ship, I’m not a victim. I have no intention on engaging with you and others on MQA or Chris’s presentation. I made my points in the room.
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