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  1. Hey I ran version 1.2.2 and am using Mavericks 10.9.2 Is like it uninstalled my midi drivers or something. So far, with my limited knowledge, I have only found this line that probably has something to do with it: "launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.midiserver.plist 2>/dev/null" Thank you for looking into it.
  2. Thanks for replying my message, what I mean is, whenever I open an application that uses midi, none appear in the midi ins and outs. Also the Audio midi Setup utility, won't even load the midi window. I am just trying to make my system a little faster or have the CPU deal with less apps running at the same time, since I use my laptop to play instrument live in real time. Any suggestion about modifying the script to enable midi by anyone is welcome. Thanks
  3. Hi, can anybody please tell me which lines to delete from this script so that midi still works. I tried this on my laptop and all midi disappeared, I tried running the reset script but it would not open with terminal not even text edit would work. Anyway cloned my backup again but before I tried it again I just wanted to modify this a little, to have midi capabilities enabled. Thanks.
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