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  1. Playlist locations are set in your mpd.conf - https://www.musicpd.org/doc/html/user.html#stored-playlists So why not change it to something like (?): playlist_directory "/my_nas/mpd/playlists"
  2. Okay thanks Ted. I'll try Windows. Cheers! http://sacd-ripper.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/readmeSACD Extract (available on Windows, Linux, OS X) allows you to extractindividual tracks from ISO files when operated in file mode or from the SACD Ripper when operated in Daemon mode.
  3. Hi Ted, I would like to install sacd-extract on headless Debian Linux Mint. I am getting an error from cmake - are you able to shed any light on my error? Here's my process so far : henry@audio ~/ $ svn checkout http://sacd-ripper.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ sacd-ripper henry@audio ~ $ cd sacd-ripper/ henry@audio ~/sacd-ripper $ cmake . CMake Error: The source directory "/home/henry/sacd-ripper" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
  4. Hi kipeta, Which version of Linux is this based on? And do you recommend also using the normal functionality of a linux workstation for rsync/cron backups, audio processing tasks (beets) etc? Also, have you tried any of the Android Squeezebox clients? Do they work with daphile? Not knowing too much about Squeezebox on Linux - which clients are available for a remote Linux desktop? I currently run Ubuntu 12.04 as a personal laptop.
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