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  1. Does the PonoPlayer show up in Finder? What shows on the PonoPlayer display when you plug it into the computer?
  2. When I play CD tracks from Media Center, it doesn't get loud like you describe. Do you have a different optical drive model you could try? I think this behavior varies a lot between different drives.
  3. Do you have memory playback enabled in Media Center? This might cause it to buffer up a bunch of audio data while starting playback.
  4. http://files.jriver.com/partners/hdtracks/HDtracksDownloader180147.dmg
  5. The slow-downs could be at the server end. There will be a new Mac version coming out in the next few days. Please post here whether this one improves your download times.
  6. Are you using the Windows or Mac version of the downloader?
  7. I think we've got the problem with crashing at shutdown solved. The next build will fix it, thanks. There is an auto-update mechanism built in. Every couple of days, it checks the version at startup time against the current one on the server and installs a new one when available.
  8. Yes, we've heard of this happening on some OSX systems and are trying to reproduce the problem in our dev environment so we can fix it. Thanks for the report. Hopefully we can get it fixed soon.
  9. Here's the link for the Mac version: http://files.jriver.com/partners/hdtracks/HDtracksDownloader180110.dmg This should fix the problems with non-English keyboards. Please try it out and let us know how it works for you. Thanks.
  10. We're putting out a new build pretty soon which should fix this problem for both of you (Spanish / Danish) and hopefully all other keyboards. I'll post the link when it's ready. Thanks!
  11. Thanks, that helped. We'll try to get this fixed quickly.
  12. Sorry about that, we thought we had it fixed. What "locale" are you using (System preferences / Language & Text / Formats / Region). You're welcome to email me directly at johnt at jriver dot com so we might be able to get this resolved quickly. Thanks!
  13. Sorry about the issues with typing certain characters - the '@' character worked on our systems but it depends on which locale your computer is set to. We've fixed this in the new build (108) which you should get automatically within the next couple of days. The build number is reported on the Settings page in the download manager. Please report if you're still having any issues. Thanks!
  14. There is a new build of the downloader (108) which prefixes the track number to the filenames. The auto-update mechanism checks every few days, so you should get the new version within that time frame.
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