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  1. my list for some nice to have's: 1. option to configure my starting view, I want Artists not album 2. Only show Artists in artist view, ( with large collection too many entries to see all the albums here), select Artist, then shows artist albums 3. option to jump to now playing when Play Now is used, auto return to previous view when finished 4. would like to have a NEW MUSIC view , for recently added music to library, also agree about the Native Resolution, or File type view (minimserver has an option for a Music format view)
  2. that's fine it its required to work like that ( in the background ) it feels a little like your CD player, asking you if want to Play the cd you just inserted. Let me Select my album, and press Play! ( I want the Play Now, to clear existing queue, ( or give me the option in settings to clear or append to queue ))
  3. +1 on the ability to just play the whole album ( Play now ) with as few presses as possible, have never used playlists. * just got my Aries last nite, few things I needed to do before it worked. 1. had to press the reset button, on the bottom, before it would show up on my network, and the LDS. 2. had to find the option to switch the Aries output to USB, it defaults to digital outputs ( spdif ) before it would play to Vega 3. took several tries to load the music library, not sure if its required to have a output device selected , but library would not load, until the aries showed up on network ( after hard reset), and was able to select it. seems to play redbook flac, HiRez, and Dsd without any problems (wired connection to minimserver on Synology 412+ )
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