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  1. Thanks Ted. Do your Myteks get very warm stacked on top of each other? I have the two stacked and just wondering if it would be an issue. Mine feel pretty warm but I'm out of real estate :-)
  2. Ted - I haven't heard from anyone. Have you heard any news on this topic? Thanks. David
  3. Any idea when the new firmware will be available for the Mytek that allows a person to sync the clocks via USB?
  4. I'm working on setting my clocks on 2 Myteks. I'm looking at the user manual at the menu tree for the Mytek so I know how to change my clock settings. On the input twig the menu system goes straight from ADAT to Analog. There is no SDIF selection. Any ideas? Thanks. David
  5. Sorry, probably a dumb question: why aren't the subs viewed as channels? Do you want any more info from me? I tried increasing the buffer size both in JRiver and within the USBPAL driver. Thanks for your help Ted.
  6. Ok. I don't know what is causing it, thus the post. What is our opinion on what the issue would be with the 4 channels that I'm running vs the 6 that you are running. What's the theoretical difference?
  7. Yes sir it is. I've read on the JRiver thread that its possibly the Asio drivers aren't up to date for Win8. Thanks for your help.
  8. My carbon build running JRiver is causing some major stuttering during song playback. Anyone else have that problem or know what would be causing it. Running ASIO through a Mytek DAC. I'm at a loss. Thanks for any help. David
  9. Got some help from Mojave and all is working again. If I use the preamp function on the Mytek, will it automatically output the xlr outputs? For HT I would like to take my sub outs from my AVR and run through the Mytek in bypass mode. Would that work?
  10. Two Myteks for 4 channels. I want to use JRiver for my bass EQ so bought a second Mytek and have been using the center & lfe as channels for the 2 subs. Not ideal?
  11. For my 2.2 setup with 2 Myteks would you expect to see a difference in the device configurations? Anyone know the difference or what I need to do differently? Couple pics of the 2:
  12. Got my second Mytek installed today so I could run a 2.2 system. Just as Ted explained it was fairly simple to configure with a simple USB hub. Still got lots of tweaking to do with JRiver but so far I'm happy that I have a great way to integrate my bass all within JRiver. If you have any configuration pointers, shoot them my way. Thanks Ted for the break-through idea. David
  13. Anyone know the max number of channels I can get on hdmi audio out with the Intel 2800MT mobo? 5.1?
  14. So do you just run Fidelizer once and forget about it or does it run in the background? Need to relaunch after you restart the PC?
  15. Does 2.1 work with Win8 or do I need the Windows 8 transformation pack?
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