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  1. I'm on a Mac. Checking out various file renaming apps...Name Mangler seems to be the most intuitive so far. However, doesn't Audirvana push new additions to whatever folders you've selected to sync whenever you restart? Meaning I'd have to constantly be renaming and rescanning/syncing? Too bad you can't tell Audirvana to ignore them/edit them within Audirvana.
  2. Any idea of the general path for doing that? Something that I'm doing system-wide, or just within A+?
  3. That's exactly what I want it to do.
  4. I'd ask this on Audirvana's support forum, but despite several tries, have never been approved. The latest version of Audirvana will create a music library from whatever folders you add to it. Most of my music is in one large folder. Audirvana will recognize cue sheets automatically. You can't tell it not to. Loading music folders with cue sheets causes issues within Audirvana in a lot of cases. Missing tracks, multiple copies of certain albums, etc. I've tried to check/edit some of these cue sheets with XLD and haven't noticed what's causing the problems. And you can't edit cue sheets within Audirvana. I don't want to duplicate my music folders/files and omit cue sheets...it'll take up too much space, plus will be an enormous PITA to do. I don't want to painstakingly add individual music folders (this sort of defeats the very purpose of Audirvana's ability to sync an entire large folder/folders). Are there any Audirvana users out there with the same problem? Have you figured out an easy solution? Is there a better way to edit cue sheets on OSX than XLD?
  5. Rick, a couple of things. You wouldn't be able to use the Halide DAC HD in your Airport Express streaming setup as it's USB only. There are contrary opinions to the Airport Express's jitter issues and its acceptability as an audiophile product: http://www.stereophile.com/digitalprocessors/505apple Audioengine has a new DAC/streaming solution with the Audioengine D2. I haven't had any experience with it, but I'm assuming it would work with other media players besides iTunes (so you wouldn't need an app like Airfoil to stream FLAC from another player): http://audioengineusa.com/Store/Audioengine-D2#overview I'm sure the wireless capability of the D2 would be more robust than using an Airport Express (the performance of which on my end has been notoriously spotty). I'm currently just streaming CDs and files via iTunes and Vox (for FLAC, in conjunction with Airfoil) to my Airport Express, analog out to a a good set of active speakers. I too am looking to introduce a DAC/headphone amp into the loop. If you stay with the Airport Express, you may want to check out Audioengine's D1 for your needs, too: http://audioengineusa.com/Store/Audioengine-D1#overview Speaking of Amarra Mini, Pure Music, and any/all iTunes alternatives: has anyone had a good experience with a FLAC capable player that has decent library management? As someone stated above, I'd like to avoid inefficient and spotty importing into iTunes. I also don't feel like converting all my FLAC into ALAC. I've had good luck with Vox but its lightweight nature precludes any library management.
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