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  1. Now, Now, no hi tech snobbery, lads! That's how we got here in the first place re this subject AgoN fiasco, after all. 'Progress' for 'progress' sake, instead of sane, organic and orderly growth. And the results to prove it! And that's why I am staying with simple but good 2 ch audio and a hard copy music collection that I can hold in my hand, which, like my library of books, which will live on unchanged regardless, and not someday be 'deleted'. Or 'updated'. That does not mean, however, that I am not trying to learn and stay as aware as I can of current trends and technologies - which is why I am here on your computer audio site. I have a pair of Emerald Physics CS 2.7s with a modded Behringer xover, but have not yet opted for the Spatial Tech Mac-based music server-room eq-speaker position eq system as I am not yet literate or informed enough for my comfort. If I am going to try the server lossless route, I want to make sure that I give it a chance, and make no judgement errors - as my bias is for hard not soft wares.;0 Clay, I agree. This is an 'epic' AudiogoN mistake, regardless of what the techies and IT gits think. They may be in an untenable position. That seems to be dawning on AgoN since the bigwigs and heavy hitters got back from Vegas and started paying attention and raising hell. Several have written to me that they will only give it a short time before they take steps. We are talking megabucks here, and after all, this is America, where money talks. And votes! BTW 'Shibui' is the name of my LaFitte 44 sailboat;0 Audiodoctor, If you try and access AgoN through an AOL browser you will see that there is no space at all between the 'sign in or register' line and the yellow banner containing the 'Home, Buy, Sell, Learn' tags (above which the search box sits in your screenshot. I could not get a screenshot to work for me or I would post one here without the search window just like I am getting). Thanks Guys
  2. Audiodoctor, Yes, I can see the window right there, even without viewing the attachment. Be reassured that I am neither blind nor looking for fault. However, I have not seen that utility on ANY of the pages I have viewed since the relaunch. Thank goodness there is one somewhere out there... I see your browser is Firefox, but for us AOL users, and some other browsers too from posts I have read - including Mozilla/IE links - there are different results. EXACT SAME HOME PAGE with perpetual same featured listings, just NO SEARCH BOX! My pages do not show the top-right 'Search' window, on any page at all on AuGOn. I have accessed AgoN via my bookmark, then avoided it and accessed via Google search and other routes, but still the same result - no search box visible or active in that position on the page. FYI Thanks, because that is the 1st search window I have seen since the relaunch. (And I have just received another AgoN robo-reply instead of an answer ... and you answered first try! Bravo!). Thank You
  3. TURBOGLO, or anyone with info, actually: Where are you accessing the AgoN search function? Please, clue me in! I cannot find a search window or button anywhere on the new AgoN site. On any page on the site. Is it a trick or gimmicky thing, because I can't find ANY way to search. AgoN has not answered any query re this, and without search funcionality the site is worthless. Thanks.
  4. AgoN has just gone from user friendly and a little dated to updated but eBay-cheap-looking and decidedly UN-user-friendly. As someone who bought over 25K worth of kit on Agon just before the re-launch (if one can call this ongoing multiple-birth-process yielding one idiot child a real re-launch and not peg it as an ongoing catastrophe), I can not see doing further business there, as the site is now un-navigable! The 'Search' function is non-existent except by selecting one of the 'Categories', and the results there are a jumble of everything! Even if one selects those, the results do not match the category at all as reported above and elsewhere, and are still a very numerous - pages, in fact - jumble of manufacturers and kit types (ie T/Ts, amps, music, cables etc)which does not narrow or focus one's search much at all. AgoN has been rendered completely useless as a communal and commerce platform. I surmise that after the vendors, tradesmen and industry big kahoonas return from the CES and THE Shows there will ensue some turmoil and, hopefully, some regressive changes. One can only hope that some sanity prevails, or Agon's community and commerce will be history. I know I cannot spend good money there until that time arrives. I mean, you can no longer check feedback of the person or company you are sealing with - except as a generic score. (You cannot see the comments posted any more for more detailed and transaction-specific insight, as you sould before). And the Audiogon staff are spending time deleting posts, replies and open queries on their own blog and elsewhere instead of taking care of business. That is juvenile and counter-productive to say the least. And might be characterized as a fatal error at some point, even when cooler heads analyse this ongoing fiasco - which began it's 'launch' in December, it should be noted. We are well into the Labrynth here. Anyone got any string? A truly sad state of affairs...
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